Sunday 23 September 2012

Dealing with Difficult People God's Way

"...For the battle is the Lord's..." 1 Samuel 17:47
It took me a long time to get to this point.For not taking the matters into my own hands.

Do you have a co-worker that drive you nuts? In recent years, I have to work fairly intensively with a few colleagues who are just impossible. It was so bad I dreaded coming to work. I used to go home every night feeling bitter and spend so much time thinking about how miserable I am!I felt as if running away was the only option.

In general dealing with difficult co-worker test both my faith in God and my Christian testimony before men. A few of them have helped me recognize my own offenses which I am blind to and identified areas within me that needed work.

I am still in the midst of attempting to work towards them by going to Heavenly Father in prayer. Yes, going to God and pray is the best solution! Pray with my eyes on God , and not on difficulties! Let Holy Spirit be our guide and continue to walk on His path of righteousness; In all situations, it has to do with the importance of guarding myself, so that I do not sin against God in the way I think or respond to difficult co-workers. People are watching. I pray for God's strength to work through me and grant me wisdom, love and patience to do what is right in His eyes in my dealing with my co-workers.

Over times, I can see positive changes and spiritual growth that prayers bring into my life. God slowly worked in my heart to change my behaviors, even though at times I failed to honor Him in all my actions.

What is impossible with men is POSSIBLE WITH GOD! We can't change the difficult people so leave it to God as He is the Lord of everything.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”Romans 8:28

Let go and let God have His way. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Nature Vegetarian Delights

Hooray! Going to gym for work out this evening with hubby despite still having some mild knee cap pain. Too bad there isn't any more body combat class for me to join on Saturday after noon! I've made some lunch today so I would take a break from cooking tonight.  hahaha...Yes Thinking of food already before sweating out.

For tonight's dinner, I think my venue of choice would be Nature Vegetarian Delights @Upper Serangoon Shopping Center #04-26!!!

I've become a die-hard fan of this restaurant, as my family would visit Nature Delights almost once a week! Nothing beats eating with great company. :)

What to expect? They serve quality food at good prices. These are my top three favorites!

Delicious gong bao monkey-head mushrooms

Crispy oyster mushroom with lots of cereals, yummy!

Vegetable dish with dang gui and wolf berries

If you are really into Chinese vegetarian cuisine, you may want to pay them a visit!

Address: 756 Upper Serangoon Road, #04-26 Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre, Singapore
Contact Number: 62868028
Opening Hours: 9am-9pm daily except Tuesdays
Nearest MRT: Serangoon

Thursday 20 September 2012

Snowskin Mooncake Making Workshop

Mid-Autumn is almost here! Thanks to my company, I get to attend a mooncake making workshop even though I am not exactly a huge fan for mooncake.I am glad I did sign up for it because all of us were having so much fun, literally smiling with excitement throughout the workshop!

Red bean paste surrounded by black sesame paste ,mixed with pumpkin seeds.

Key ingredients for the dough - Hong Kong flour, icing sugar and shortening!

Mooncakes made by chef - the red one is dragon fruit snow skin made with the real juicy dragonfruit!
My final products! Doesn't look as nice, lol
Workshop filled with laughter and small talks with colleagues...
something we hardly or simply don't have time to do in the office

Sunday 9 September 2012

Hannah's hope

"She desired children, yet God had not opened her womb."

I am in my lowest point of life today, then I read about an article about Hannah. When all my dreams seem so far and out of reach, it gives me comfort and hope. 

Hannah went to the Tabernacle to pray and offering up a request that she probably thought a thousand times before the Lord. In the end, she gave birth to a son whom she went on giving to God after a year of weaning the babe.

This resulted in God did something even more amazing! She got a double portion from God in the form of more children.God gave her 3 sons and 2 daughters (2 Sam 21). Wow!

POSB Passion Run for kids 2012 Race Pack

Running is my new found hobby, after I've taken part in the Nike Goddess 5 k race on 14 April 2012. The run is all about girls running with their BFFs, which turned out to be very enjoyable for me. The next run  I've signed up for is the10K competitive Passion Run which will take place on 16 Sep. The race tee from this charity run is the cutest I ever have!